Settling back into normal………Or Upgrading?

Settling back into normal….. Or do you want to change/upgrade your normal……?

We get so used to our normal, life can go by so fast that sometimes we forget to stop, look around and think/feel, is this what I want to be my normal?……. Or do I want to change things around?….

What would you change in your life to make it run smoother?

Make a list of everything that would make your life easier, GO ON DO IT NOW! The small things and big things..

Now look at the list what would make the biggest difference? - Can you do something about it now?…. even if it is a small thing

Create a NEW NORMAL - What do you wish you could do?….

Make a list now, how can you work towards/make happen your wishes? Create a daily action no matter how small into your day to move closer to your wish, this will then be come your new normal, your elevated life, embody it and make a new wish list!

Create a dream ideal day

Day dreaming about your dream ideal day, getting it down on paper is really powerful!

So we all need to work (well most of us) so you need to add this into your day, but then what would you really really dream of doing in your day?….. Allow this to spark excitement

How could you start to make small changes in your daily life to live your ideal dream day? This will become your new normal!!!

Sending you so much love Sarah x x x

“It is never too late to upgrade yourself”
— unknown

Peppermint is my Essential Oil of choice for this weeks inspo

Peppermint oil of a buoyant Heart - Brings joy and bouyancy to your heart and soul. It inovates the body, mind and spirit, and reminds us that life can be happy. Rediscover the joy of being alive! - take from Essential Emotions book

NOTE: It is very important you work with the highest quality essential oils to receive the the results Learn more here

Essential oils work amazingly with the mind body and soul on a physical, emotional and energetic level.

If you would like to learn more come and join one of my essential oil experiences. Take a look at my Essential Oil Experiences Here

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What do you DREAM of ?